Sunday, September 18, 2011

Back on track

Dear friends,

I realize what a disappointment I must have been... Yes I had promised to keep you posted regularly AND to keep my posts short and sweet so that's not 1 but 2 broken promises! :( Please forgive my deviating from the path to blogging Nirvana for I have fallen for one of the worst sins one can conceive: laziness. Well actually that's my defense for the 1st offense I committed of not posting regularly.

The 2nd offense (unbearably long posts) can be explained by my lack of judgement when posting whilst I was in China. To clarify:  in China I was only able to post via email as censorship prevented me to access Blogger and I misjudged how long the text would look once posted. I only discovered the horrible reality once we set foot on the other side of the Great Firewall :(

As a self-inflicted sentence for those terrible offenses and to prove my will to become a better blogger, I have decided to refrain from eating cheese for the next 4 months (in case you wonder, yak cheese doesn't count as proper cheese), which for those who know me well should provoke a few tears of compassion. Right? :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha! I knew this would happen! ;)
    Enjoy the absolute bliss of being able to choose to do nothing! :)
